Well I'm still called Simon so no change there, but the BLOG look and feel did change a little! Still trying to figure out all the CSS tags so I can make the layout do what I want it to. I was thinking of updating the BLOG once or twice a week depending on what happens during the week so don't be disappointed if you check back and it hasn't been updated!
Here's a small slideshow of the Jeep in action:
So now with that out of the way lets talk dirty (that means Jeep talk). Washed the Jeep because it was very muddy after the last weekend and it's getting warm enough to take the top (hence the title) and doors off. So the Jeep is all clean and shiny and has no top or doors. This of coarse means that it got cold again and then rained. Taking the kids to school in the morning when its 30 degrees out challenges even the most hardy Jeeper but I did pass the challenge and finally got the frost off my nose. This weekend is looking to be warm again so it looks like I'm gonna have to take Bethany out cruising around town doing my best not to run the First Monday people off the road!
I ordered the new seats for the Jeep this last week (as did many club members) due to the incredible deal JC Whitney had going on and I'm anticipating their arrival on Monday. I think they should look pretty good and as they are RED they should match the Jeep fairly well. I have my fingers crossed that they will bolt right up the original seat brackets without to much modification. I can handle drilling new holes but having to fab up a mounting bracket is a whole other ball game. I guess i'll update the BLOG once the seats come in and I know for sure what needs to happen.
I also put the shock bar pin eliminators (gets rid of that silly thin metal tube that the shocks mount with which cracks and breaks like the picture on the left shows) on and the new shock bushings. "Man alive!" (as my Father says) what a difference. The ride is much smoother and the Jeep doesn't feel bouncy anymore, one of the best $20 I have spent on the Jeep!
Your going to post once a week and you're dissing me for not blogging enough!?! ;-) I tried changing my blog page too but ending up with an error and had to start all over. I did manage to get rid of the numbers in my heading though. Pretty excited about that. How would I add a new background image? I think I see where it goes in teh code but how do I get the picture so it's available on the web?
Hey Bro, This is a great way to keep in touch. I love the slide show - say hi to Clavin - that was a good picture of the two of you. I tried to add a slide show but couldn't embed it into my post - I had to post the slide show separately. Love you - Jonathan
Why the title?
Well it's all about the dirt, not dirty pictures (well OK there is dirt in a lot of them) but pictures of me and my family and friends playing IN THE DIRT!
You amaze me how you jump right into the code level. Now I aspire to be as cool as YOR blog! Rock on brotha!
Its very fun to ride around town with no top or doors on. We do get some strange looks when it is a little on the chilly side.
Your going to post once a week and you're dissing me for not blogging enough!?! ;-)
I tried changing my blog page too but ending up with an error and had to start all over. I did manage to get rid of the numbers in my heading though. Pretty excited about that. How would I add a new background image? I think I see where it goes in teh code but how do I get the picture so it's available on the web?
Hey Bro,
This is a great way to keep in touch. I love the slide show - say hi to Clavin - that was a good picture of the two of you.
I tried to add a slide show but couldn't embed it into my post - I had to post the slide show separately.
Love you - Jonathan
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